A New Beginning

Hey there, welcome to my new blog.  You’ve either been directed from my old one, Tales of a Triplet, or you’ve randomly stumbled into my space of the Internet.  Either way, I welcome you.

My name is Seth.  I just turned 20 years old and I’m going into my third year of college.  I’m the second youngest of nine kids, as well as a triplet (the middle one).  I am hearing impaired and therefore have to wear hearing aids and I’m fluent in American Sign Language.  When I first started losing my hearing, my family was extremely helpful.  They all signed up to learn ASL along with me and it’s made my life so much easier.  Though to be fair, my hearing isn’t all that bad, but it’s bad enough to miss something without them.  At school I was able to make some good friends in the ASL club and those who were not hearing impaired worked harder to really get the language down.

Now I bet you’re wondering, ‘if you had a blog already, why are you staring a new one?’

Well, the main reason is that I’m at a new season in my life.  I’ve undergone some changes in the past few years with my new journey in college and I just felt like my blogging space should be different as well.  I’m bound to see more changes along the way as I continue to venture on this journey that is my life.  I’m also hoping to build my writing platform and connect with other writers and book lovers.

This is where I leave you for now – just with a small intro to who I am and why I’m starting this new blog.

Thanks for stopping by!